iRest® Level I Training
Online Livestream

with Fuyuko Toyota
over two long weekends:
July 8th-10th and July 15th-17th, 2022

What does an iRest Level 1 Teacher Training entail?

The over two weekends, this practical and experiential program that teaches the research-backed 10-Step iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation protocol. The iRest Level 1 Teacher Training offers you all of the tools and experience required to deeply enrich your personal practice and teach the fundamentals of iRest to others.

This training is dedicated time to embark on a journey to discover your unwavering inner  resource of wellbeing and unlock simple and profound tools that transform how you meet yourself, navigate life and learn to support others to do the same.

Is this training right for me?

Yes! If you’re looking for a transformative experience and in-depth exploration into the origin, evolution, and practical application of this secular meditation practice. It’s something that anyone can do and everyone can benefit from.

Our students usually fall into three categories:

The self-practitioners: People from all over the world who are seeking authentic connection, relief from inner turmoil, or are simply curious about meditation as a tool for self-inquiry.

The 1-on-1 practitioners: Yoga therapists, psychologists, clinicians, and practitioners of the healing arts looking to learn new skills and incorporate this complementary practice into their toolbox.

The group facilitators: Professionals looking to teach iRest to people in general settings like yoga classes and more specialized treatment facilities such as rehabilitation centers.

What will I learn?

  • How to better understand your thoughts, emotions, and difficult experiences so that you can use them as messengers toward inner freedom and renewed ease.
  • How to move beyond attachment and identification with your body, mind, and experiences to uncover feelings of peace, wholeness and authenticity.
  • How to apply the 10-step iRest protocol in your own life and deliver it as an offering to individuals and groups.

By the end of the training you’ll be confident and competent in your personal practice and ability to guide and teach others.


Students have shared that this training has been one of the most transformative experiences of their lives.

“Once I felt the power of the practice for myself, all I wanted to do was share it with others.“ — Mary Steinberg

“I’ve seen over and over again how iRest has completely transformed people’s lives—mine included. It gave me an absolute perspective shift, a reset, and transformed the way I relate to myself, to life, and to everyone around me.” — Una Hubbard

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need prior experience? No prior experience in meditation or yoga is necessary.
  • Is this religious or traditional? No. iRest is intentionally designed as an inclusive secular protocol.
  • Can I take this training if I’m struggling with trauma, PTSD, anxiety, or depression? Absolutely. iRest is beneficial for everyone and our teachers are trained to hold a safe and supportive environment for you.
  • What does the research say? iRest is effective in reducing feelings of stress, worry, and depression. It brings calm and ease, improves sleep, and reduces trauma-related symptoms. You can read the specific research papers here.

Scholarship is available for this training. Please apply on the website:

Teacher:  Fuyuko Sawamura-Toyota (see bio below)

Prerequisites: None


CEs (Continuing Education Credit for Health Professionals of USA)

Approximately 30 CE hours* will be available for YA, IAYT, PSY, MFT, LCSW, RN.

† CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Resource Center (SCRC) ( which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.

LCSWs, MFTs, and other mental health professionals from states or provinces other than California need to check with their state or province licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.

SCRC is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California.

For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact the iRest Institute at For questions about CE, visit or contact David Lukoff, PhD at


Training Fees

Early Bird: AU$1,644.50 ($1495 + GST)
available til 8th June 2022
Regular Fee: AU$1,754.50 ($1595 + GST)

Deposit:  AU$500 upon registration and pay your balance by 1 July, 2022.

*All amounts are in Australian dollars and incl GST.

Includes a comprehensive manual (PDF) and a Level I Training audio download.

There is a scholarship available for this training. If interested, please apply on the website:


Training Schedule

This training will be held over two weekends on July 8th-1th and July 15th-17th, 2022

All times are listed above are in Australian Eastern Delight Time (AEST)

July 8th (Friday): 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
July 9th (Saturday): 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
July 10th (Sunday): 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
*Lunch break 75 minutes
July 15th (Friday): 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm
July 16th (Saturday): 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
July 17th (Sunday): 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
*Lunch break 75 minutes

Live online participation is required to receive an iRest Level 1 Certificate of Completion and classification as an iRest Level 1 Teacher. Attendance will be tracked during each session. Please arrange your schedule to ensure arrive on time every day and attend all training sessions.

Banking Information

ANZ Bank
BSB 014526
Account Number: 392625797
Account Name: Prema Yoga Studio

If transferring from overseas use

When depositing state your name as the reference and advise your payment by email to


If you have previously completed an iRest Level 1 teacher training you may audit this event at a cost of $600 + GST. Please note the Level 1 manual (PDF) is not included in the fee.  It is available for AUD$100 + GST if you wish to purchase, please contact us at the time of your registration).

Please contact to register as an auditing participant.

About IRI

To find out more about the iRest® Institute, please visit

Cancellation & Refund Policy:

Deposits and the training/course balance fees are non-refundable, except in the case of an enrolment application not being approved, or cancelled by Prema Yoga Studio or/and iRest Institute.

All course and event fees paid less than the administration fee of AU$150.00 will be refunded if you withdraw before 8th June 2022.

If you have paid a deposit and the course or event is cancelled by Prema Yoga Studio or iRest Institute, you will receive a full refund of the deposit paid.

All fees paid, and AGREEMENTS TO PAY course or event fees, are non-refundable and non-cancellable within 48 hours prior to commencement or once the course or event has commenced.

In circumstances such as illness, personal difficulty or change of circumstances, payment may be refunded less of the administration fee. Requests for such refund of payment are to be made in writing to Prema Yoga Studio, and decisions are subject to the discretion of Prema Yoga Studio.

Course dates and locations subject to change.

Prema Yoga Studio reserves the right to cancel any course, event, workshop or retreat due to extenuating circumstances. In the unlikely event that this occurs, a full refund of course and event fees paid (including deposit) will be returned to the participant. However, no responsibility will be accepted for any consequential loss in any circumstances.

About Fuyuko Toyota

Fuyuko Sawamura-Toyota is a certified iRest® Senior Trainer, Retreat Leader and Supervisor/Mentor. For the past 20 years she has been deeply committed on the path of Yoga and ancient Nondual wisdom. She is also a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher since 1996.

She incorporates iRest and Self-Inquiry in her teachings of Yoga, Somatic body awareness and meditation at her yoga studio “Prema Yoga” on the Gold Coast, Australia and internationally.

In 2007, Richard Miller, her spiritual mentor, brought to Fuyuko a deeper understanding of living life in a nondual way.  From a life of ever deepening joy, astonishment and Stillness, a heartfelt desire to share these precious teachings has sprung forth.

She teaches and hosts iRest trainings and retreats in Australia and New Zealand. She has been assisting iRest trainings in North America for Richard Miller and other senior trainers.

More about Fuyuko here >>

Fuyuko Endorsement from Richard Miller

Read Richard Miller’s Endorsement of Fuyuko Toyota

“I deeply respect Fuyuko for how she integrates her grounded presence and deep passion for truth, beauty, love and community when teaching yoga and iRest meditation practices …

Fuyuko Toyota

A wonderful first training. Ingredients of Hakomi Psychotherapy and also going beyond that. A deep meditative approach, empowering, and stilling simultaneously. What amazed me was the immediate safety that was created – although participants didn’t know each other there just seemed to be a platform from which to go into deep places.

I experienced a holding of space and truthful being emanating from Fuyuko, the trainer, and the assistants. Modelling and signalling of what can be. I have been to many psychotherapy trainings and didn’t expect such deep work from a “yoga” training. Truly amazing and as I continue to puzzle, I also feel myself living into the answers to my puzzles.

My curiosity is awakened and I will take this journey to a next step.

Level 1 Participant, Sydney

“It is like an upgrading of the software of my life and has been instrumental in helping me to be more at home with myself at all levels of being.”

After 35+ years of yoga/meditation teaching it was a thrill to experience and learn more about this beautiful and effective approach to the traditional practice of Yoga Nidra. As a teacher and therapist I am always keen to further my knowledge and skills and undertaking both level 1 and level 2 training (and now currently undertaking level 3/certification) has provided a quantum leap in what I can offer students and clients. This leap however comes from more than just the ‘knowledge’ gained. It also comes from a most remarkable deepening and enriching of my own personal meditation, which the regular practice of iRest has unfolded and which informs my work with students and clients.

Leigh Blashki, Melbourne

President, Yoga Australia

The IRest Level 1 training with Fuyuko gave me all the ingredients needed to feel confident to teach the protocol to individuals and groups.

Level 1 Participant, Gold Coast, September 2016

I found the course completely life changing in the sense that our issues can be addressed by diving straight in. No waiting for day 3 for example to build up some knowledge first.

I enjoyed everything that I learned and will be practicing and sharing this straight away.

Level 1 Participant, Gold Coast, September 2016

This training surpassed my expectations and my expectations were high! I had read some of Richard Miller’s books and listened to his Irest practices. This training really helped me to understand this wonderful practice by ‘ diving in’.

Fuyuko – you are truly inspiring and to the wonderful assistants that were so supportive I thank you.

Level 1 Sydney Training Participant B

iRest is a profound tool which can enhance any therapy. My hope is that anyone struggling with his or her own life challenges, or searching for deeper meaning to life, will have the same opportunity to experience this life-giving practice as I have.

Michael, Cancer Survivor

I can highly recommend the iRest Level 1 training to anyone who wishes for deep personal growth as well as a professional development activity for clinical psychologists. I am deeply grateful for this course.

Level 1 Participant, Gold Coast, September 2016

The teaching was very valuable, even more profound than expected. It was a delight to be trained by Fuyuko, who was very knowledgeable and likeable.

I would recommend this training to those with an interest in yoga, meditation and psychology. Thank you to the capable staff for a life changing 6 days!

Level 1 Participant, Gold Coast, September 2016

What a wonderful experience filled with moments of awe. Coming home. Finally – that’s why moments. And the journey continues … Thank you.

Level 1 Participant, Gold Coast, September 2016

Attending the iRest® Level 1 training has been transformational. An unlocking and entering into an inner world of peaceful curiosity I had only ever dreamed of. The team of expert teachers held the space of learning and opening, professionally and safely, with unconditional love and non-judgment of what was arising. A life-changing experience.

Lucie McIntosh, Level 1 New Zealand, Feb 2017

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