3rd-6th December 2015, with Fuyuko Toyota

Fuyuko Toyota, Certified iRest Teacher and TrainerBrahma Kumaris Centre
83-99 Stotts Lane,
Frankston South,
Victoria, 3199, Australia

Retreat is your opportunity to dive deeply into the invitation that life is always calling you to, above all other tendencies in your life: to awaken as your essential nature, the mystery that can never be objectified, but which expresses itself as your very presence and ease of nondual being and authentic aliveness.

Come and treat yourself to a delightful three full days of  Bodysensing, Breathing, Meditating, iRest-ing…. simply Being, just as you are.

This “Resting In Being Silent Retreat” counts towards the iRest Certification program as a qualifying short retreat.

About Fuyuko 

Fuyuko Sawamura-Toyota is a certified iRest® Senior Trainer, Retreat Leader and Supervisor/Mentor. For the past 20 years she has been deeply committed on the path of Yoga and ancient Non-dual wisdom. She is also a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher since 1996. 

She incorporates iRest and Self-Inquiry in her teachings of Yoga, Somatic body awareness and meditation at her yoga studio “Prema Yoga” on the Gold Coast, Australia and internationally.

In 2007, Richard Miller, her spiritual mentor, brought to Fuyuko a deeper understanding of living life in a non dual way.  From a life of ever deepening joy, astonishment and Stillness, a heartfelt desire to share these precious teachings has sprung forth.

She teaches and hosts iRest trainings and retreats in Australia and New Zealand. She has been assisting iRest trainings in North America for Richard Miller and other senior trainers.

Richard Miller's Endorsement

Read Richard Miller’s Endorsement of Fuyuko Toyota

“I deeply respect Fuyuko for how she integrates her grounded presence and deep passion for truth, beauty, love and community when teaching yoga and iRest meditation practices …


Here is the full pricing schedule for The Rest in Being Retreat

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The Brahma Kumaris Centre is a beautiful retreat centre near Melbourne and the Centre provides a reflective environment. It is a place where one can detach from the daily pressures of life, re-energise the spirit, and reconnect with the spiritual self.

Bamha Kumaris Centre 1

 Bamha Kumaris Centre 2

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