The Source of Well-Being

One Day iRest Yoga Nidra Workshop, Christchurch, New Zealand

Saturday 22nd November 2014, 10am-5pm (1½ hour lunch), $135
Rangiora, near Christchurch, New Zealand

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What is Integrative Restoration – iRest?

When you come to innocent, unconditional listening, your body spontaneously goes in to deep peace.
Jean Klein

iRest is a transformative practice derived from the ancient teachings of tantric yoga that leads to psychological, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. Experience first-hand this ancient tool for health, healing and awakening that you can integrate into your existing yoga practices, teachings, relationships, and daily life.

Watch this video by the founder of iRest, Richard Miller, to learn more about what iRest Yoga Nidra is:

Why should you attend?

You will learn and experience first-hand the fundamentals of iRest®: several lectures and experiential guided practices to allow you to steep in this unique teaching and transformative approach.

What is offered at the workshop:

  • Introduction to 10 steps of iRest Yoga Nidra
  • Introduction to the three phases of iRest Yoga Nidra: Constructive, Deconstructive, and Integrative
  • Creating own three parts of Sankalpa (Intention)
  • Body-sensing* with movement (see below)
  • Guided meditative practices that reveal the Ground of Being: the source of well-being and interconnectedness with all of life

*Body sensing is a restoration of the senses to their natural functioning, practicing iRest yoga nidra with movement. We usually relate to the body as a memory, but with body-sensing we come to the firsthand experience of our body as pure, dynamic vibration.

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners.


iRest for me is not only something to be practiced. It is like an upgrading of the software in helping me to be more at home with myself at all levels of being.
Leigh Blashki, President Yoga Australia

“iRest is a profound tool which can enhance any therapy. My hope is that anyone struggling with his or her own life challenges, or searching for deeper meaning to life, will have the same opportunity to experience this life-giving practice as I have.”
Michael, Cancer Survivor

“The Integrative Restoration Yoga Nidra process (iRest), is an invaluable tool for both Yoga students and teachers, but is also readily accessible to anyone who has an interest in learning about self-care and enhanced well-being. We are extremely fortunate to have an exceptional team of iRest teachers coming to New Zealand for the first time offering an introduction to this practice. I have worked with Stephanie Lopez, Jennifer Cabanero and Fuyuko Toyota, all of whom have a rare gift in communicating this work with skill and grace.”
Donna Farhi

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